Ticket Post Template

When replying to a Support Ticket there are some items you will always enter such as the customer name and your signature. To automate this and eliminate this repetitive typing we have created the Ticket Post Template. To enable this browse to the Brand Settings and click on the Ticket Post Template under the Support section. Enter all the information you would want on every Ticket Post to save your agents creating this each time they reply to a Support Ticket. This template supports TWIG values allowing you to insert dynamic data such as the customer name, agent name etc. You can also insert Images into this template using the Image button, for example you could provide the URL of your brand logo to automatically include it in all Ticket Posts. The Brand Logo Twig button will output the Logo URL into the Template content allowing you to copy this and then paste it into the Image URL field: With this completed and saved it will appear in all Support Ticket reply p...